Private Bonding
We offer rabbit bonding services in the Washington DC Metropolitan Area
A private bonding appointment is for rabbit owners who have two or more rabbits that live separately that they would like to try and bond together. We have bonders who can help! Note: there is no guarantee of success. Rabbits choose their friends, but we make a concerted effort to make things work.
Bonded pair: $175
Bonded trio: $250
Each additional rabbit: $75

What to expect during your rabbit(s) introductions
Rabbits are very social creatures and are happiest when they have another furry friend to snuggle up to. Particularly if your rabbit will be alone for much of the day, we recommend that you adopt a second rabbit as a companion. However, the bonding process can be quite involved, so Friends of Rabbits assists with bonding at no additional charge.
If you’re interested in bonding your rabbit, we will arrange a time for your bun to speed-date with several adoptable rabbits at a neutral location. After a successful “date,” a trusted Friends of Rabbits volunteer will take both rabbits for a one-to-two week “Bunnymoon” where they will get to know each other and solidify their bond.
While they’re away at the “bunnymoon”, you’ll want to take the time to make your home as neutral as possible – that means cleaning or replacing rugs, litter boxes, and habitats that smell like your first bunny, and providing some new, neutral-smelling toys. When they first come home be prepared for some marking as the bunnies adjust to a new (or new-smelling) place. Keep them confined to a pen or condo for a couple of days to solidify their bond
If you would like help in bonding your rabbits, please fill out this form: